Friday, 20 July 2012

The Golden Gobbo

Headnhalf has completed the Golden Gobbo illustrations and they look brilliant. A big thanks to him for all his hard work. He has really captured the look and feel of the style I think we are all going for; Old School with a New School Flavour.


Now I want to open up a debate about what to do with him. I have had a few ideas to get us going but I am sure that between us all we can develop something really useful from Headnehalf's work.

1) I would like a banner/image, similar to the Oldhammer one we have on our blogs, to help advertise and celebrate the Golden Gobbo painting competition. I would even begin to know how to use Photoshop to do this so I am hoping there will be a kind soul willing to do if for me.

2) Secondly, he needs a name; see my blog about that!

3) Thirdly, I thought it would be a fantastic idea to use him in much the same way WD used the White Dwarf  symbol on the magazine. Small, in the corner - denoting the number of the fanzine etc. Brands need recognisable images after all.



  1. Excellent! A good eye for the old-school flavor.
    Well done!

  2. Brilliant work by HeadnHalf - really love the black and white version.

    Definitely agree with points 1 and 3. Might he also be the star of a Gobbledigook style cartoon?

    Still scratching my head about a name...

  3. I think he should be called Old Hammer the Gold Helmed Gobbo. But I'm giving too much away about my competion entry...gahhh!

  4. Kev?
    Horrid Hector the Horrible Hammerer? :)

  5. Aeyoo Startin? (Au - chemical symbol for gold...)

  6. Metal Ed?

    "Metal head", like lead-fiend or a heavy-metal fan.

  7. Combining some classic 1st-3rd edition goblin goodness with a master tactician that I think everyone would recognise, I would propose 'Grommel'

    1. That's one gorgeous piece of old-school artwork right there! I'll leave it to the more creatively minded to come up with a name, though.

      As to using him in a mag... I see nothing wrong there, it all seems in keeping with both the feel of older editions of a certain publication as well as the Oldhammer manifesto, although direct parody might by sailing a little too close to the wind... any lawyers out there who can clear up exactly how much it can look like it's inspiration?

  8. What? It looks nothing like anything I've ever seen before....

    1. Sorry, got this topic confused with the fanzine. I think that's because it was proposed that he be used as a logo of sorts. Unless I'm still confused... (Way to make a good impression, making myself look all absent and such *sigh*)

    2. No don't take me wrong here i'm just pointing out to any GW lawyers that may be looking that the golden gobbo bears no resemblance to any GW character. :)

  9. Next batch of Oldhammer T-Shirts need to have this image on!

    My idea for the name? Larry the Leadhead!


      That one is long gone I'm afraid!

    2. Thought I recognised that name!

      I'm quite liking combining Zhu's and Gaj's suggestions -

      Grommel Metal'Ed

    3. Gotcha Erny, steering away from that topic (he doesn't look like any goblin I've ever seen before, he's yellow for a start).

      I'd like to throw my weight (all five grams of it) behind Thantsants here. Grommel Metal'Ead does have a certain charming ring to it, and it even has the word 'lead' buried in there, so Orlygg's suggestion doesn't disappear completely.

      P.P.S, Orlygg, if you can get him on a t-shirt I'll have to fight a proper 3-ed game so I can not feel like a cheat buying one. Even if that game is worth 50pts between the two sides and is played entirely with cardboard counters.

  10. If its played with card counters I'm sure you can go higher than 50pts a side....

    1. Definitely with some of the scenarios I'm cooking up!

    2. Actually, my GF and I have just gone and created a few warbands using Realms of Chaos, and she decided to make herself a backup in case her first lot got wiped out. The backup team includes a Frenzied Mechanoid Sorcerer with a Daemon-greatsword that has two Daemon Princes and a Lord of Change russian-dolled up inside it. I'm half tempted to work out the overall points value for that warband, just to see how big an army they can take on by themselves.

      @ Erny I have no printer, so that all depends on how long I want to spend tracing bases and cutting up cereal boxes to make 'em.

      Also, apologies to Zhu for my gaffe on the who-got-the-t-shirts-made thing. It didn't occur to me that Orlygg was just voicing his opinion about putting the Gobbo on the shirts. So yeah, I agree with him, as stated above!
