Gaj/Weazil has some very wonderful news for all of us attending BOYL14, straight from Bryan Ansell no less.
Kevin, The Goblin Master, Adams is sculpting an oldhammer goblin to be given to those who attend the day, any spares will be available to buy after the event. A topic on the oldhammer forum is running to discuss this very news:
Link to Oldhammer forum post.
I'm sure I'm not over stepping the mark to extend my thanks on the behalf of all of us here at the Oldhammer blog to these two Titans of warhammer let alone Oldhammer.
Friday, 18 July 2014
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
An Oldhammer Reader
I recently asked Rick Priestly, Tony Ackland and Bryan Ansell to reccommend some of the books that inspired the early development of Warhammer to share with the Oldhammer community. Rick and Tony kindly responded with a wealth of material, and indicated the kind of books that Bryan was reading and recommending at the time.
The authors mentioned are listed below, where no title was given I have noted the most well known or typical of that authors work.
Michael Moorcock: Elric series
Michael Moorcock: Hawkmoon series
Robert Howard: Conan series (esp. the Sprague de Camp versions)
J.R.R. Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings
J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit
Harvard Lampoon: Bored of the Rings*
Poul Anderson : Broken Sword (esp. Jes Goodwin)
Poul Anderson : Polesotechnic League**
John Norman: Gor series
James Branch Cabell: Jurgen
Lord Dunsany: Time and the Gods
Druilet: Lone Sloane***
Jack Vance: The Dying Earth
Star Reach (comic)
Anne McCaffery: Dragonriders of Pern
Frank Herbert: Dune
Frank Herbert: Children of Dune
Frank Herbert: God Emperor of Dune
2000AD: Nemesis the Warlock
2000AD: Rogue Trooper****
Heavy Metal
Howard Chaykiin: Cody Starbuck (Star Reach)
Ray Bradbury: Martian Chronicles
Poul Anderson: The Terran Empire
Harry Harrison: Stainless Steel Rat series
Harry Harrison: Deathworld series
Harry Harrison: Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers
Robert Sheckley: The Status Civilization
Philip Hose Farmer: Riverworld (esp. Richard Halliwell)
Although split into Fantasy and Rogue Trader, this division is somewhat artificial. Some material clearly has influence into Laserburn and Reaper eras as well as into the development of Warhammer and beyond. It is also clear that several of the authors had a direct and broad influence, Moorcock and Herbert especially, whereas others figure as background reading and yet others lend perhaps only one or two specific motifs. The recurrence of comic-books is notable, as is the inclusion of works of parody.
The list is by no means a definitive list of literary sources for Warhammer. other games, both Greyhawk and Glorthana, from Dungeons & Dragons and Runequest respectively clearly influenced the 'world' of Warhammer. Nor is this list intended to define a cannonical range of Oldhammer settings - the worlds of George RR Martin, Douglas Adams or Stan Lee are as just as open to gaming with Warhammer - nonetheless I hope my fellow Oldhammeristas find this compilation of some interest, entertainment, and perhaps inspiration for your own games.
* esp. Halflings - RP
** The origin of Zoats - TA
*** Red Redemption, also 40k /Laserburn / Chainsaw Warrior -TA
**** Souther armour influence on space marine power armour - RP
The authors mentioned are listed below, where no title was given I have noted the most well known or typical of that authors work.
Warhammer Fantasy Battle
Michael Moorcock: Elric series
Michael Moorcock: Hawkmoon series
Robert Howard: Conan series (esp. the Sprague de Camp versions)
J.R.R. Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings
J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit
Harvard Lampoon: Bored of the Rings*
Poul Anderson : Broken Sword (esp. Jes Goodwin)
Poul Anderson : Polesotechnic League**
John Norman: Gor series
James Branch Cabell: Jurgen
Lord Dunsany: Time and the Gods
Druilet: Lone Sloane***
Jack Vance: The Dying Earth
Star Reach (comic)
Anne McCaffery: Dragonriders of Pern
Rogue Trader
Frank Herbert: Dune
Frank Herbert: Children of Dune
Frank Herbert: God Emperor of Dune
2000AD: Nemesis the Warlock
2000AD: Rogue Trooper****
Heavy Metal
Howard Chaykiin: Cody Starbuck (Star Reach)
Ray Bradbury: Martian Chronicles
Poul Anderson: The Terran Empire
Harry Harrison: Stainless Steel Rat series
Harry Harrison: Deathworld series
Harry Harrison: Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers
Robert Sheckley: The Status Civilization
Philip Hose Farmer: Riverworld (esp. Richard Halliwell)
Although split into Fantasy and Rogue Trader, this division is somewhat artificial. Some material clearly has influence into Laserburn and Reaper eras as well as into the development of Warhammer and beyond. It is also clear that several of the authors had a direct and broad influence, Moorcock and Herbert especially, whereas others figure as background reading and yet others lend perhaps only one or two specific motifs. The recurrence of comic-books is notable, as is the inclusion of works of parody.
The list is by no means a definitive list of literary sources for Warhammer. other games, both Greyhawk and Glorthana, from Dungeons & Dragons and Runequest respectively clearly influenced the 'world' of Warhammer. Nor is this list intended to define a cannonical range of Oldhammer settings - the worlds of George RR Martin, Douglas Adams or Stan Lee are as just as open to gaming with Warhammer - nonetheless I hope my fellow Oldhammeristas find this compilation of some interest, entertainment, and perhaps inspiration for your own games.
* esp. Halflings - RP
** The origin of Zoats - TA
*** Red Redemption, also 40k /Laserburn / Chainsaw Warrior -TA
**** Souther armour influence on space marine power armour - RP
Friday, 6 June 2014
Bring Out Your Lead! 2014
The Oldhammer community are pleased to officially announce Oldhammer - Bring Out Your Lead! (2014). Of course, you've heard about it already. But this is the official announcement, so now you can officially start panicking about how long it will take to grow a mullet.
*Okay, probably not that last one.
Oh - did we mention that this is NOT A TOURNAMENT? Good.
We are also extremely pleased with and grateful to our hosts - Foundry Miniatures in Nottingham. The event is taking place over the weekend of the 08/08/2014 (Friday afternoon onwards) - 10/08/2014 (Sunday).
So, first things first: This is a gaming event. The entire idea and surely the primary purpose for attending is to play games.
BUT - it is NOT a tournament. Nothing can be won. Your victory over your opponent is purely moral and for retelling in a pub later. There are no ladders, no leagues, no recognition of your amazing army building talents and keen interpretation of the rules. THIS IS NOT A TOURNAMENT!
Which makes things a little harder to organise. In a traditional tournament, the organisers would set a points limit, army restrictions and painting guidelines in order to ensure that everyone has a fair chance. There is no need to worry about who matches who, as once the first game is completed, better players will be faced off against better players and the whole thing is supposedly fair.
Because it's NOT A TOURNAMENT, we can't do any of that.
This means we need your help. In order to understand the numbers attending, we have a booking form. BUT, because it's NOT A TOURNAMENT, the organisers will not allocate you an opponent on the day. Read this as the organisers do not guarantee you a game.
You, aspiring gamer, CAN ensure a game, however, by following up your booking with an entry on the Oldhammer Forum BOYL 2014 Thread. In this forum, you will be able to tell others what you're planning to bring, how many points/figures you plan to field and what sort of game you want to play.
You are still welcome to simply turn up at Foundry with your army and no booking, but if there is more demand than supply, preference will be given to those who are registered.
How much is this gonna cost me?
Entry to the event is free. Our generous hosts, Foundry Miniatures, are not charging us for the venue, and as it's NOT A TOURNAMENT, we're not offering any prizes.
Of course, you still have other costs to consider - if you're travelling a long way, you might need a place to stay overnight. You will need to get there. And, of course, you'll probably want to get an army ready. Start saving now!
The even takes place over the weekend of the 09/08/2014 - 10/08/2014 at The Wargames Foundry (in their new premises):
Friday (08/08/2014) from 13:00 until 20:00.
Saturday (09/08/2014) from 10:00 until 20:00.
Sunday (10/08/2014) from 10:00 until 17:00.
Foundry's Address:
Foundry Miniatures Ltd
Church Lane
NG23 5QF
United Kingdom.
+44 (0)115 8413000
Please feel free to call Foundry if you have any questions on how to get there or where to park, etc.
We do ask that you arrive on time, as you will need to factor in finding your game, meeting your opponent, unpacking and packing of figures and copious amounts of pointing at things and going "Wow! Is that (delete as appropriate) [your amazing paint job / that ultra rare figure I've never seen in real life before / really your sister*]?
Where and when is this all happening?
The even takes place over the weekend of the 09/08/2014 - 10/08/2014 at The Wargames Foundry (in their new premises):
Friday (08/08/2014) from 13:00 until 20:00.
Saturday (09/08/2014) from 10:00 until 20:00.
Sunday (10/08/2014) from 10:00 until 17:00.
Foundry's Address:
Foundry Miniatures Ltd
Church Lane
NG23 5QF
United Kingdom.
+44 (0)115 8413000
Please feel free to call Foundry if you have any questions on how to get there or where to park, etc.
We do ask that you arrive on time, as you will need to factor in finding your game, meeting your opponent, unpacking and packing of figures and copious amounts of pointing at things and going "Wow! Is that (delete as appropriate) [your amazing paint job / that ultra rare figure I've never seen in real life before / really your sister*]?
*Okay, probably not that last one.
Foundry? They're in Newark-upon-Trent! That's miles away!
Yes, it is. As mentioned above - they have offered their facility free of charge. They have the space, the tables and the interest in the hobby and so stand head and shoulders above any other option we've considered to date.
To be clear, we have no official relationship with Foundry - they've offered because they have an interest in what we're trying to achieve and they've offered us the facility as a result.
That's awful nice of them!
Yes, it is. So lets talk about Foundry. Perhaps you've heard of Bryan Ansell? No? Once upon a time, he ran Games Workshop. Take a look at your Warhammer 3rd Edition books - that's right, he co-authored some of them. Marcus (Bryan's son, following in the family footsteps) runs Wargames Foundry. They have a clear 'spiritual' connection to the Oldhammer movement.
We mention this because we ask that the Oldhammer community respect the facility and the effort that Foundry (and the Ansell family) have gone through to host this. When you're on site, please don't litter, or break things, or steal, or do anything that would bring the Oldhammer community into disrepute. We would dearly love to be invited back to the Foundry. Keep this in mind when you attend.
But there's food, right?
The Ansell family also conduct business in catering. As a result of this remarkable good fortune, Foundry are able to offer hot food and are licensed to sell alcohol. Of course, you'll have to pay for this (expect typical pub rates), but you won't need to go foraging around the fields of Neward-upon-Trent for food.
The Ansell family also conduct business in catering. As a result of this remarkable good fortune, Foundry are able to offer hot food and are licensed to sell alcohol. Of course, you'll have to pay for this (expect typical pub rates), but you won't need to go foraging around the fields of Neward-upon-Trent for food.
A note of warning: if you are unable to handle your alcohol, you will be ejected from the event immediately! The idea here is to fulfil every gamers fantasy of playing cool games whilst having a pint - not to lose your temper and get involved in a fist fight.
And participation events?
Fear not, citizen! Participation events there will be. This is the place to determine which ones you're interested in.
What else do I need to know?
- In case you missed it: this is NOT A TOURNAMENT!
- The only unpainted figures we're expecting to see are those being traded. If you are playing a game, you must play with painted figures! Painted figures are a sign of respect to your opponent and to the community.
- Chances are, you're not as familiar with the old rules as you think you are. Take some time to read the rules before you arrive, but please allow for the fact many of the 'classic' rulesets are badly organised, badly written and sometimes just plain missing. You should expect that your game will involve lots of reading and discussion as you try to work out how to resolve whatever is happening. Don't panic - this is normal!
- You may bring figures from any manufacturer and from any era. Although the Oldhammer movement is rooted in the 80's, we are interested in the spirit of Oldhammer, not the manufacture. You are as welcome bringing a heroic scale 28mm modern plastic army as you are bringing your soft lead pre-slotta army.
- There is a question on the form about scenery. Foundry have offered to supply some scenery, but if you are able to bring something, please do - every little bit helps. Where possible, we'll do our level best to ensure that scenery remains table specific - both to satisfy the aesthetic 'it all looks the same' perspective and to help ensure that your scenery is all in one place (for easy identification and care).
- Ultimately, you are accountable for the fun you have. This event is a framework for you to create the ultimate oldhammer experience that you never had in your youth. We're trying to make it as flexible as possible, but we can't do that without your participation and effort. Let's be clear: you will have to do something for yourself before you arrive at Foundry this summer!
- Neither the organisers nor Foundry Miniatures accept any responsibility or liability for you.
Okay, I'm in. What am I supposed to do again?
- Fill out the booking form!
- Register on the Oldhammer Forum!
- Create an entry on the BOYL 2014 thread to organise your games!
- Pitch up on the weekend!
- Try not to explode from all your misdirected excitement until then!
Oh - did we mention that this is NOT A TOURNAMENT? Good.
Saturday, 1 March 2014
Orlygg's Oldhammer Picture Post
Welcome back to this, our second weekly round up of the most interesting pieces of Oldhammer painting this side of the Lustrian Continent. Think of this article as the old school 'Eavy Metal fix you used to get monthly, when you never quite new which miniatures would pop up and things were not organised around release schedules - well not quite so much! The painting was often organised by individual painters too, as do we here on the Oldhammer blog. Sadly, you cannot count on me to impart loads of quality painting advice as I am rather rubbish at dabbing the stuff on minis. Thankfully, we have a whole stack of people around our community (and a bit beyond it) who are producing imaginative and inspirational pieces or work.
There, two words. Inspirational and imaginative. They are all that I look for when I put together these posts. No dreary generic colour schemes here. Nor any photoshop monstrosities. Just pure and simple Oldhammer goodness.
Kari Hernesniemi provides us with the first figure this week with an incredible Harboth painted model. He has nailed the 'look' of the old school here and his work is heavily influenced by '80s Blanche. Just look at the quality apparent on that shield and the associated piece of armour around this orcs ample belly. OUTSTANDING! Kari has used colour to great effect here, making the model seem real (and not like the cartoon characters that I produce) and beautifully lit. I love they wash that washes have been used to suggest not only depth in the armour, but also a greasy rusty filthy quality too. You can tell that this chap hasn't maintained his equipment in any shape or form. Though the excellent painting does pose the question of where all these orcs get their painting done, doesn't it? The exquisite work spreads to the trousers as well, with some technically brilliant patterns not to mention a hyper realistic base.
This is the first of two chaos miniatures painted by Carlos Pantojo Martinez from the Spanish Language Facebook group. As members of that group will know, Carlos is a prolific and extremely gifted painter who dazzles us all with his work. Here we see a perfectly interpreted Slanneshi Champion, painted with all the pastel tones that you would expect of the Pleasure God but without looking like a Liquorice Allsort! Careful layering has brought out the highlights to perfection here and unusual colour choices for the armour help key in the chaotic nature of the old chaos range. The old school base helps support the crazy colour scheme and results in a model that appears to have step out of Slaves to Darkness.
A second piece by Carlos, one of the original plaguebearer models (and some of my personal favourites since boyhood) sculpted by Kev Adams. He has used similar tones to the Slanneshi champion but this model makes great use of that rather unearthly green. The innards and claws are simply presented, as is the sword but the face has some exquisite detailing, especially on the tongue. Lovely teeth too, with a great suggestion of rot on that daemonic enamel! You can almost smell this daemon's breath!
Jeff McC is well known in the Oldhammer Community, particularly on the forum, and I have chosen wonderful goblin fanatics for inclusion this week. I love the bright green he has got on his models and the beautiful contrast he achieves with the blues and golds of the fabrics. But it is the home made bases that really inspire! According to Jeff, the bases he created are designed to give the impression that the fanatics are spinning recklessly out of control. What a fantastic idea and really simple to pull off. The added mushrooms are a nice touch too!
Tartar Sauce has shared with us some striking half orcs, one of the races that don't get much love on the Oldhammer scene. His work goes to show that you don't need an intricate painting style to pull off great looking models. His simple, clean style provide all that is needed to produce a great looking unit. I love the way he has off set the green on the models' faces with the crimson red or the shields. I would be proud to have models looking this good on my miniature shelf!
Juancho Pinta is another Spanish Oldhammerer. Here we has a selection of his Bretonnian knights. And how splendid do they look? I love the riot of different colours used here and the brilliant detailing on the shields, tabards and pennants. Closer inspection of his style will show that this striking finish has been created with some harsh highlighting rather than blending. I am sure that you will agree with me when I state the this style really works with bright, detailed figures such as these.
Gareth Shaw has been busy at work this week, publishing some striking beastmen for his Nurgle Chaos project. These pestigors are full of rather unhealthy menace and his limited choice of tones suggests a diseased squalor. I am particularly interested in the way he contrasts the lighter skin tone, which is more similar of modern paint jobs of beastmen, with the darker shades used for the clothing. This really makes the models 'pop' out at you on the table top. Now, the just need some suitably Nurglesque shields!
Now Gareth was discussing how best to varnish your models on the Facebook Group. His thoughts turned into quite a discussion about the best media to use. As you will have seen from his beastmen, and the troll above, Gareth has been using gloss to keep his paintwork secure. Now gloss varnish brings make memories of distant yesteryears for me, ranks upon ranks of red coated soldiers and, of course, the work of Steve Mussared. I feel that his use of gloss really brings out the oozy nature of the Nurgle models and makes a refreshing change to how we see miniatures presented.
CreepyPortrait is fairly new on the Oldhammer Scene but he has shared with us some dark and dangerous looking work in the last week or so. His skeletons are brilliant, and perfectly represent the earthy bones of some long dead warriors. Though the photographs are a little dark, it looks like CreepyPortrait has used a combination of washes and drybrushing to created the feel of the bone though I am not so certain what he has used to create the textures on his bases. The shields too are really evocative of the skeleton horde, and feature some ghastly (in a good way) facial designs on them. Designs that I will be stealing in the future!
Goumon Gael painted these for Mick Leach ( I think) and I thought them worthy of a share here. Here we have a strand of the fantastic that seems to leap from the pages of the original fantasy miniatures books of the '80s. Bright colours, naturalistic patterns and intelligent basing makes for a excellent result. I love the use of aquarium plants and real snail shells too.
And finally, Fanch Pandera has been hard at work with his classic Citadel leadpile in recent days. His work is 'Eavy Metal standard really and remains hopelessly out of our ability range but isn't it a joy to see? I find that just gazing at work of this standard gets me thinking about how to improve my own because I notice loads of little touches that I could apply to my own work.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this week's run down through the Oldhammer painting world. I certainly enjoyed putting these images together and discussing what I thought about them. Feel free to make your own judgements and comments as you don't have to agree with me. I hope to make this post a weekly dose of goodness, but i suspect it will bounce around a little regarding publication days as life intervenes.
Until then, happy painting!
Monday, 24 February 2014
Blogs on blog: Oldhammer blog links.
Just a quick post to point out I have updated the blog list over on the right. It should now have a link to every Oldhammer blog that I know about and a couple of extra sites to boot. I've been a little picky with what goes on the side there, after all no point linking to a blog with no Oldhammer content whatsoever. If a blog has been updated in at least the last couple of months and it contains a good amount of good content that is Oldhammer or related to Oldhammer it gets on the list of links. New blogs are accepted but to prevent putting up links that go dead in a few weeks I'll wait until there are several good posts before adding them on.
Now I don't doubt I've missed some very fine blogs off so if you think you fit the above criteria and would like a link on this blog to your blog give me a kick or add a comment bellow.
Now I don't doubt I've missed some very fine blogs off so if you think you fit the above criteria and would like a link on this blog to your blog give me a kick or add a comment bellow.
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
On the table: Erny's round up of the months best Oldhammer gaming.
Fellow Oldhammerers, you ask one simple question about letting
a sleeping blog die and the next thing you know you are agreeing to write a
weekly roundup of Oldhammer gaming. Actually I’m really pleased to be in this
position, loads of support from very enthusiastic Oldhammerers determined to
keep this beast not just going but growing. Not to mention the fact that there
is so much Oldhammer goodness out there how does one keep on track with it all?
You follow this round up is how. Orlygg has already started the round up ball
rolling with his summary of the best modelling and painting put out this week,
no mean feat given the range and number of articles. Gaming posts are less
common so I’m taking a different tack, some
posts I’ll round up the best gaming of the past several weeks and then for
others point you all in the direction of some of my favorite posts ever on a
given theme. One sure fire way to get
some publicity on this popular blog is to write a decent gaming article and
post it up, challenge set!
On with the round up:
First up we have a pair of 40K 2nd ed battle
reports from early last month.
Death World Adventures from Jonas brings us a chaotic drunken battle over a shanty town,
if you don’t like cocktail stick cacti look away now. Special rules designed
for the scenario add a new twist to a much loved game and the results are a stunning
table and fun narrative. I particularly
like the use of incomplete in character reports from the action, nostalgic or
what. Jonas also describes the setup and with captions and a brief summary then allows
the pictures to do a lot of the talking, even if the pictures are in places a
little blurry but who cares.
Next up Suber on his Old School Workshop shows us what happens when you grab the first
minis off your shelf, think about a scenario for a few minutes and throw the
lot on the table. Loads of Chaos, great terrain and miniatures again and once more special scenario rules,
including an adaption to a terrible accident.
Though there is a bit of narrative Suber reports this through the eyes
of the gamer, an interesting and fun take. Included are lots of great photos of
a really fun game.
In the world of Fantasy Rab brings us a couple of reports on
Rabs Geekly Digest detailing the exploits of his Tzeentch war band. Be prepared, there are no shots of the
game in progress however we do get a great narrative written from the point of
view of the Tzeentchians. Rab also details the ups and downs of this
reasonably powerful starting warband in a turn by turn summary of the mechanics
of the game. It is a format that works really well for these smaller skirmish
games and fills your head with images of the brutal combat played out on both
the gaming table and the chaos wastes.
Speaking (or is that writing) about narrative I'm going to include fun, well written prose that adds to the game in these reports. To see what I mean please do check out the writings of one Mouse over at Tales From the Big Board.
I’ve always considered WHFRP as part of the Oldhammer experience,
it was always part and parcel of my gaming as a youth anyway. It doesn’t come
more iconic than The Enemy Within campaign and I know many people are already
following Rob S and his group through this campaign by gaming session podcast.
If your not why not? Get yourself over to Six Iron Spikes for the latest installment.
Where would we be without scenarios? Same old same old I
guess, line them up, knock them down. Right from the start of the Oldhammer
community a running theme on the blogs was the need for scenarios and the
blogging of our own ideas. For my final recommendations
this post we have a couple of scenarios
by some of the instigators of our little niche community.
Gaj/Weasil at Warhammer for Adults has a nice little scenario on his blog, featuring
his own mascot character Gromeo, (we all know you are Gromeo Gaj), in a compromising
situation it is full of the humour we expect from the twice named one.
Finally Thantsants brings us a scenario that has been in his
back pocket for over a year, ever since I started talking about an Oldhammer
fanzine but failed to act. Anyway the Hollywood epic is on this very blog so
again, what are you waiting for..
If you have any posts from the past month, by yourself or others that you think I've missed or you have an article in the pipe line do let me know.
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
A Malign Rise: Antiquis Malleum greens by Tim Prow!
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From left to right: Gregor Sinblister, Matthias Witherheart and Oskar the Writhing |
Mick Leach, from Eastern Front Studios, has released some more greens for the forthcoming Antiquis Malleum Kickstarter. And here they are! Hopefully, this will encourage Drew Williams to finish the three he is working on. Some of you may have seen the WIP Drew did on Snaplimb Lusthowl earlier on last week, so expectation is high on what else he pulls out of the bag sculpting wise.
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Gregor Sinblister up close and personal |
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Oskar the Writhing. Feel the tentacles! |
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A scale shot, as many of you have asked for, of the new miniatures compared to some old school models. |
Indio Anjones and the Barrow of Doom
Many a tall tale had been told of the mighty Hammer of MacGuffin and its very existence was widely held to be the stuff of legend. If the stories were to be believed it had the power to unite fractious kingdoms, sunder enemy alliances and open the gateway to power for those who possessed it. In short it harked back to a golden age.
Suddenly the Tilean adventurer’s reverie was interrupted by the warning calls of his outriders - another band had been spotted approaching the burial ground. Someone else was after his prize...
Oh and if you don’t have a Tilean adventurer to lead your forces then feel more than free to replace him with a pistol wielding Troll slayer, Pole-axe wielding Lizardman Mage or whatever else you may have in your collection!
Indio Anjones - Level 20 Tilean hero
Anjones is a renowned, if somewhat slightly infamous treasure hunter. Easily recognisable by his outlandish dress sense, tall hat and leather bull whip, he certainly cuts a dashing figure.
Anjones uses his whip much like a net as described in the 3rd edition rulebook
The whip is useful for warding off enemy attacks. Anjones' saving throw is increased by one point as though he were using a shield .
Anjones can use his whip to partially entangle and distract his opponent. Anyone attacking him must subtract -1 from their "to hit" rolls.
And now it was almost his. Indio Anjones, notable Tilean treasure hunter and all round scoundrel, leaned back in his saddle and smiled. Not even the low sinister hump of the ancient barrow it rested in could quell his high spirits. Just as long as there were no snakes in there...
Suddenly the Tilean adventurer’s reverie was interrupted by the warning calls of his outriders - another band had been spotted approaching the burial ground. Someone else was after his prize...
This scenario is intended to be many things. Perhaps you are new to the wonders of Oldhammer having fought your way clear of the barren wastelands of tournament style play and beardy rules lawyers. You may yearn for the freedom and creativity of narrative style wargaming. You may be sick of winning for winning’s sake. You may already be an old Oldhammerer and be just after a quick idea for a scenario to supplement your own. If so you may already be familiar with the Battle report, The Battle for Grimdal’s Tomb, from issue 153 of White Dwarf, which this scenario pays homage to. Whatever you seek we hope you find it in this scenario and the many more to come.
Oh and if you don’t have a Tilean adventurer to lead your forces then feel more than free to replace him with a pistol wielding Troll slayer, Pole-axe wielding Lizardman Mage or whatever else you may have in your collection!
A legendary magic weapon has been tracked down to its resting place in the burial mound of old King MacGuffin. Two bands of treasure hunters have arrived at the same time - both intent on gaining their long sought after prize. Who knows what powers the hammer will confer on its finder, or what horrors may lurk in the barrow...
Apart from some kind of ruins or burial mound placed centrally, use whatever terrain you have available. Some kind of open space around the burial mound should keep things interesting, with woods, hills and broken ground to provide some cover on the approach.
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Suggested plan for the Barrow interior - note the Troll's lair excavated in the side of one of the alcoves. |
Included in this scenario are army lists taken from the Warhammer Armies book. However, you can, in the spirit of Oldhammer, field whatever troops you like or have in your collection.Similarly stats provided are intended for play with Warhammer Fantasy Battle 3rd edition - feel free to play with any edition that suits your fancy.
If you are considering using your own armies perhaps you should consider races who would actually have an interest or possible knowledge of the artefact to make for a more satisfying narrative element - like Old Worlder treasure hunting types like Indio Anjones and his mercenaries. That’s not to say you couldn’t have something like an Ogre warband or Orc raiding force that got lucky - just invent a backstory that explains why they are there.
Indio Anjones’ Soldiers of Fortune
(WFB Armies 3rd edition)
Indio Anjones - Level 20 Tilean hero
Anjones is a renowned, if somewhat slightly infamous treasure hunter. Easily recognisable by his outlandish dress sense, tall hat and leather bull whip, he certainly cuts a dashing figure.
Heavy armour, sword and whip
Warhorse with barding
Special rule - Anjones suffers from a Fear of snakes.Anjones uses his whip much like a net as described in the 3rd edition rulebook
The whip is useful for warding off enemy attacks. Anjones' saving throw is increased by one point as though he were using a shield .
Anjones can use his whip to partially entangle and distract his opponent. Anyone attacking him must subtract -1 from their "to hit" rolls.
5 Border Horsemen
Light armour, shields, spears and hand weapons
led by Level 5 champion
10 Tilean Crossbowmen
Light armour, hand weapons and crossbows
Led by a Level 5 champion
20 Estalian Hombres Villanos
Light armour, shields and swords
Led by Level 5 champion
Rennaez Bellok’s Antiquarian Treasure Hunters
(WFB Armies 3rd edition)
Rennaez Bellok - Level 15 Dwarf hero
Driven by greed and an almost pathological hatred for his arch enemy, Anjones, Bellok is a dastardly villain of a Dwarf. His Bretonnian heritage only serves to add further venom to his rivalry with the hated Tilean.
Heavy armour, shield and 2 handed sword (parasitic blade)
Special Rule -
Bellok hates Indio Anjones.
Heavy armour, shield and 2 handed sword (parasitic blade)
Special Rule -
Bellok hates Indio Anjones.
Arneld Ernstoht - Level 10 Dwarf Wizard
Ernstoht is another particularly unsavoury character. He was forced out from the Dwarven community in which he grew up in the Southern reaches of the Empire because of his unnatural appearance and magical tendencies. Not only was he particularly pasty-faced in his complexion but also never developed the usual facial hair which all Dwarves take immense pride in. Bitter and twisted from the constant abuse and cries of "Baldie" and "Girl-Face" that dogged his every step, Arneld fell into evil ways and bad company. He served an apprenticeship with a local Wizard who was said to have dealings with the Undead before joining Rennaez Bellok in his search for ancient artefacts and lost magical devices. He now sports a rather fetching "Chin-Wig" but it is still a somewhat touchy subject...
Level 3 magic ring - loaded with player’s choice of elemental spell.
Arneld may substitute any of his Battle Magic spells for Necromantic ones.
10 Hammerers
Heavy armour, shields, 2 handed weapons and hand weapons
10 Thunderers
Light armour, arquebus and hand weapons
5 Troll Slayers
2 hand weapons
Barrow inhabitants
(WFB 3rd ed.)
5 Skeleton warriors
Shields and hand weapons
1 Troll
Hand weapon
Assorted snakes
Assorted snakes
Of course any other gribbly monsters or undead nasties would be good too - All under the GM’s control of course!
Starting the Game
Bellok’s Dwarves should set up anywhere within 9 inches of the barrow.
Anjones’ mercenaries start the game on their choice of table edge.
Bellok’s force starts first, moving presumably towards the barrow. After that gameplay continues as normal.
The GM’s monsters are hidden within the barrow. They are activated as soon as either player enters the Barrow. Undead creatures may not leave the confines of the Barrow.
Victory Conditions
Whoever has possession of the hammer by the end of the game wins. The GM could determine a number of game turns or you could just fight to the bitter end!
Alternatively you could use these suggested victory points to determine who came out on top.
Both sides
Possession of the Old Hammer - 10 points
Skeleton killed - 1 point
Spectre destroyed - 5 points
Troll killed - 5 points
Indio Anjones’ Soldiers of Fortune
Bellok killed +5 points
Arneld Ernstoht killed +3 points
Dwarf Hammerers killed +2 points each
Dwarf Thunderers killed +1 point each
Troll Slayer killed +1 point each
Anjones killed -5 points
Mercenaries killed (all types) -1 point each
Rennaez Bellok’s Antiquarian Treasure Hunters
Anjones killed +5 points
Mercenaries killed (all types) +1 point each
Notes and Special Rules
The players should be unaware of exactly what guards the resting place of the hammer. The GM could have additional fun by enforcing magical darkness within the barrow and reducing line of sight accordingly.
A simple floor plan of the interior of the barrow could be created, on which any movement and combat could be worked out easily enough - monsters only appearing when the models are only 2 inches away, for example.
The Old Hammer of MacGuffin will confer magical powers on its wielder. This could be worked out randomly using stats from the rulebook or pre-decided by the GM.
If the GM is particularly evil it could even have negative effects on evil players or could have been cursed so it has a wasting effect each turn on a chosen stat line - strength or toughness for example...
There are various ways of gaining the possession of the Hammer once the enemy has it in their clutches. Obviously you will need to engage the owner of the Hammer in close combat. Once this has been resolved there are several outcomes -
The model holding the hammer is pushed back - roll 1D6 and compare to the attacker’s skill. If the number rolled is lower than the skill level then the Hammer has been grabbed from the defender in the confusion of the pushback. If the number rolled is higher then the defender has successfully held onto the weapon and the combat carries on as normal.
If the model holding the hammer is killed and is part of a greater unit then the player should choose which model it is passed to. If an individual character carrying the Hammer is killed and is not part of another unit then it automatically passes to the attacking model.
Special thanks to Knobgobbler for the fantastic illustrations!
Special thanks to Knobgobbler for the fantastic illustrations!
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